Asian gay sex stories

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Some guys I danced with briefly, but none of them struck me enough to keep me interested for more than a few minutes. Various guys would come up behind and start dancing on, but I pushed most of them away. I danced and shook my cute bubble tush around, making eye contact with whoever looked cute. I had a constant radius of men around me. Needless to say, I got a lot of attention on the dance floor. With matching green lipstick, foundation make-up, and brown contact lenses, I was the most girly guy in the club. I wore a green tank top that was cut at the top of the ribcage to show off my sexy six-pack. I wore a pair of white pants with a translucence that revealed my green thong panties underneath. It was either because of my skin colour or my scantily clad outfit. It felt like I was the only Asian, because I stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the white people. I dressed up as sexy as I could and went out to the gay club. My first all-male threesome took place on a hazy Saturday night.

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